Friday, 24 April 2009

More Suspected Nasties

Parasites are one of the causes of disease, but there are others. In my case, although it hadn't been diagnosed, I suspected the possibility of Candida, a yeast infection.

I've experienced some of the symptoms associated with it:
  • fatigue
  • earaches
  • mood swings
  • sinus congestion
  • depression
  • poor concentration
  • low sex drive
  • itching
  • muscle weakness
Candida normally resides in the intestinal tract, mouth, throat and genitals, however it can burrow holes in the intestinal tract, enter the blood stream and then make its way into any organ. To make matters worse, it emits over 70 different toxins into the body.

In Jim Humble's book (page 157), he writes:
"The first thing that the MMS does is destroy anaerobic microorganisms including viruses, bacteria, fungus, molds, yeast and parasites. These are the disease-causing organisms. There are many reasons to believe this is what happens. This generally happens between 4 hours and 4 weeks, but in less than one week in most cases. This includes all forms of infection and other microorganisms. Also blood diseases such as leukemia."
MMS also removes traces of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury that have accumulated over the years.

In the standard MMS protocol, it is recommended to start out with 1/2 to 1 drop (Sodium Chlorite) in the morning and increase by one drop for each successive take [another dose just before going to bed]. Not realizing the power of MMS, I initially took 2 drops and was hit with bad diarrhoea three hours later!

Jim mentions that having nausea, diarrhoea or vomiting while taking MMS are signs that the body is healing itself.

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