Monday, 25 May 2009

High Blood-Sugar and Cholesterol

I took an Ornithine supplement for about a week and since my last post, there has only been one bout of insomnia. Now whether the L-Ornithine is necessary is up to debate, but it did help me with my inconsistent bowel movements. The white (worm) remnants have all but disappeared from my stools and I feel that the MMS has done what it was supposed to do: clear out the gunge. Yesterday, after sixty-six days, I decided to stop taking it. I am well, full of energy and ready to attack the other problems that have been plaguing me: high blood-sugar and cholesterol.

As a long-term student of ethno-botany (indigenous plants as medecine), I came across a weed called Tribulus Terrestris. This has been used for centuries in both India and China to help with liver and kidney disorders. Depending on the source, extracts are made from different parts of the plant: the leaves, stem or fruit. The more common ones come from China where the fruit is used and are presented as a brown powder, but those produced in Bulgaria use the leaves. The leaves contain something called steroidal saponins which have been found to increase testosterone in athletes (making them more powerful). Saponins are natural detergents present in many plants and are employed in pharmaceutical drugs that lower cholesterol in the blood. Preferring a more natural approach to medecine, I picked up some Bulgarian Tribulus in a body-building outlet. Not only suitable for reducing cholesterol, this substance also lowers blood-sugar [diabetes], regulates hormones in both men and women and possibly eliminates candida too.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Poop Science

MMS = 6 drops per day.

Taking MMS has changed my toilet habits. I've had everything possible in the way of bowel movements recently:

Stringy - parasitic infections of the gut can cause bowel motions to become thin and stringy. For example, worms can affect the faeces in this way.

Pale stool can result from taking too many antacids.

Constipation is hard, dry, lumpy stools that are difficult or painful to pass that may be accompanied by bloating and discomfort.

In case the presence of white specks in the stool is a common occurrence, try to change your diet, and if this doesn't work either, it's time to go for some professional advice. You may have to follow an anti-parasite treatment.

A small stool can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as bloating and a certain discomfort in the abdominal area.

Unless there are other modifications in the stool such as the appearance of mucus, blood or white specks, you don't need to take any measure against a large bowel movement.

A floating stool may be a symptom of a more serious problem.

Diarrhoea is characterized by frequent loose or liquid bowel movements.

Obviously the MMS was having a negative impact on my stools: the alkalization of the digestive tract was interfering with the acidic tasks of same.

Upon reading Anika's blog, I came across this report on sodium chlorite:
"When oxidized, polyamines are converted to aldehydes, which are deadly to parasites and to tumors. [71a-71e] Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is known to be especially reactive against secondary amines. [72a] This includes spermine and spermidine the two main biologically important polyamines.

Thus any procedure which is successful to oxidize both thiols and polyamines does quadruple damage to the pathogen: 1) oxidation of the thiol ornithine decarboxylase inhibits polyamine synthesis; 2) oxidation of the thiol S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase also inhibits polyamine synthesis; (see references below and in "Targeting Thiols" above) 3) oxidation of the secondary amines spermidine and spermine depletes polyamine supplies; 4) the products of polyamine oxidation are toxic aldehydes."

The second paragraph reminded me of when I took Black Walnut tincture, Wormwood and Cloves in an attempt to rid myself of parasites in 2007. Provided with the "kit" was Ornithine, an amino-acid, that was there to help one sleep
should the die-off be too strong.

By supplementing L-Ornithine (1-2x500mg) a few hours after taking my nightly dose of MMS, I not only sleep well (after much insomnia), but my daily bowel movements have started to become uniform.

Another amino acid, L-Methionine, is also oxidized because of the MMS. I supplemented with this (500mg) just for a few days. High levels of methionine can be found in sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, fish, meats, and some other plant seeds. Spinach, potatoes, and boiled corn have significant amounts. Note: L-Methionine prevents reinfection in patients with recurrent urinary tract infections.

Then I discovered a weed that is reported in some parts of the world to kill off Candida albicans ...

Sunday, 3 May 2009


MMS = 7 drops per day.

Since the beginning, I've taken 4 baths with MMS added (30 drops) and have on occasion experienced headaches, heart palpitations and back pains afterwards. (As suggested in the book, I took my daily dose just prior to bathing). The following days usually had large bowel movements, however on the last occasion, ten days into the maintenance stage, I had constipation for 48 hours before being able to relieve myself. There was some diarrhoea after the bath and a taste of sulphur in the mouth, so I lowered the evening dose to 5 drops.

Around 2 am, I was awoken with another bout of diarrhoea (yellow) and three hours later, more diarrhoea and vomiting (pink). Upon waking at 7:45 am, the diarrhoea was still coming and I vomited again. The taste of sulphur continued. This was certainly proof that I did have something wrong with my body!

I stayed on 5 drops for three more days, sometimes having multiple bowel movements, before upping the dose to 6 drops. The back pains disappeared although I experienced itchiness in the groin area and some aches and blemishes on the thighs. There has been more insomnia, constipation and loose bowels. On a more positive side, my sinuses cleared up and my energy level increased. It looks like one has to suffer in order to get well. Since December 2008, I had a pain in the jaw each time I ate something and some earaches. These have gone. I'm still having the occasional pain in the urinary tract.

I can't say that I've been depressed, but I have been feeling lethargic and often sleepy during the day. The decrease in the viral load thanks to the MMS has given me renewed confidence and self-esteem. Presently, I'm getting ready to record a new song based on the Miracle Mineral Supplement. Stay tuned!

MMS = 5 drops per day (actual)

I've been taking MMS for 45 days.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Getting to the Root Problem

When younger, I traveled a great deal and visited about 30 countries, living in three of them. What did I know about pathogens? Absolutely nothing. I lived my life, sometimes in not so hygienic conditions, the best way I could. There were periods of no money and hardship. Did I forget to wash my hands somewhere?!

About 10 years ago, I got pneumonia and thought that I was going to die - it was so bad. Antibiotics got rid of it.

If memory serves, gastro-enteritis turned up in 2006 and for those of you unacquainted with this sickness, the symptoms resemble vomiting, but from your rear end. It is very painful and violent. I got something to rebuild the intestinal flora, but nothing to eliminate the bacteria that caused it in the first place. I imagine a whole army of undesirable alien bugs padding my digestive and probably, respiratory tracts. The MMS certainly got rid of a few layers, but these critters are well entrenched and will need more combat gas (chlorine dioxide) before they beat a retreat!

At the beginning of the MMS maintenance stage, I got repeated insomnia and started coughing up gunge. This was a precursor of what was to follow.

How sick am I really?

The doc tells me my blood pressure is fine, but my 'bad' cholesterol is worsening and my 'good' cholesterol is way too high. Blood sugar is almost off the map (but vitamin C intake falsifies readings, making the body mistake it for glucose).

Having opted for a change in diet when diabetes turned up, I managed to lose about 11kg (24 lbs) and have stayed at 85kg ever since (187 lbs).

Prior to taking the MMS, I experienced many of the conditions for candida and wouldn't be surprised if I had candida as well as diabetes type 2. Maybe candida has something to do with cancer. Maybe I'm on the road to getting the big C? The latest things to go wrong (with my body) have been skin lesions, pains in the urinary tract, erectile dysfunction and bad healing. I'm almost a zombie.

I googled candida, cancer, and the following link came out:
"Every Cancer patient they see, man or woman, has bad candida."

It confirmed what I was thinking. Let's hope I'm on the road to recovery and not the road to the crematorium!

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

The MMS Protocol

The book la
ys out various protocols for taking MMS depending on the illness to be cured and its gravity. I stayed with the standard method which requires drinking a progressive amount of drops (with citric acid and water/juice):

Day 1: one drop in the morning, two drops in the evening
Day 2: three drops in the morning, four drops in the evening, etc.

When you get to 15 drops twice a day, the next dose will be 15 drops three times a day for at least one week; longer if you are really sick.

I had no problem reaching 3x15 daily drops and continued for seven days before getting to the maintenance stage. If you are healthy, there probably will not be any nausea, diarrhoea or vomiting, but if there is something nasty creeping around in your intestines, these will be your lot!

During the three weeks that the protocol lasted:

diarrhoea - 3x
nausea - 2x
insomnia - 1x
constipation - 2x

In between, there were some very large bowel movements and some very small ones.

The good news is that one feels ecstatic once the major viral load has been eliminated. Depression is lifted. One feels NEW. When the parasites have gone, the body begins to work better ... and so does the mind! This blog is a result. I could never have found the energy to write something like this when I was bloated with the gunge.

The week of 3x 15 drops a day is very aggressive on the body and when it's over, a maintenance stage comes into being: I opted for 7 drops a day for an unlimited period.

It has been during the Maintenance Stage that the vomiting started.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Stay Alkaline! - Bugs need acidity

A good way to check if the body is alkaline or acidic is to pick up Litmus paper (pH) at the chemist/pharmacy. Measurements can be made orally anytime of the day or, preferably via the urine stream (when you wake up). The paper I use is mustard-coloured. When wet (either with saliva or urine), it turns anywhere between yellow and deep purple, an indication of whether an acidic or an alkaline condition is present. A printed pH chart is included with the paper strips.

Our bodies are made up of water (70%) and this medium transports the nutrients, oxygen and biochemicals from place to place. It can have either acid or alkaline properties which are measured by a graduated scale called pH (for "potential hydrogen"), wherein 1.0 to 6.9 is considered acidic, 7.0 is neutral, and 7.1 to 14.0 is alkaline. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity.

If unchecked, an imbalanced pH (especially in older people) can result in the progression of many of the degenerative diseases seen today, e.g. cardio-vascular disease, cancer and diabetes. A pH level of 6.5 to 7.5 on the pH scale is considered healthy. I've had many problems that were due to acidity.

MMS alkalizes the body by making more oxygen available in the cells.

please visit
for information on the uses of MMS


"After testing MMS on about 75,000 people, MMS became available to the public early in 2006 when Jim Humble's two books were released.

As of April 2009 about 330,000 MMS bottles have been shipped to countries around the world, reducing human suffering and early death from blood-borne diseases and parasites."

Friday, 24 April 2009

More Suspected Nasties

Parasites are one of the causes of disease, but there are others. In my case, although it hadn't been diagnosed, I suspected the possibility of Candida, a yeast infection.

I've experienced some of the symptoms associated with it:
  • fatigue
  • earaches
  • mood swings
  • sinus congestion
  • depression
  • poor concentration
  • low sex drive
  • itching
  • muscle weakness
Candida normally resides in the intestinal tract, mouth, throat and genitals, however it can burrow holes in the intestinal tract, enter the blood stream and then make its way into any organ. To make matters worse, it emits over 70 different toxins into the body.

In Jim Humble's book (page 157), he writes:
"The first thing that the MMS does is destroy anaerobic microorganisms including viruses, bacteria, fungus, molds, yeast and parasites. These are the disease-causing organisms. There are many reasons to believe this is what happens. This generally happens between 4 hours and 4 weeks, but in less than one week in most cases. This includes all forms of infection and other microorganisms. Also blood diseases such as leukemia."
MMS also removes traces of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury that have accumulated over the years.

In the standard MMS protocol, it is recommended to start out with 1/2 to 1 drop (Sodium Chlorite) in the morning and increase by one drop for each successive take [another dose just before going to bed]. Not realizing the power of MMS, I initially took 2 drops and was hit with bad diarrhoea three hours later!

Jim mentions that having nausea, diarrhoea or vomiting while taking MMS are signs that the body is healing itself.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009


"The digestive system ... a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. These organs break down and absorb food. Organs that make up the digestive system are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. Organs that help with digestion but are not part of the digestive tract are the tongue, glands in the mouth that make saliva, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder."

Parasites, unchecked, travel through our bodies and install themselves, and like all living organisms, they try to reproduce. One can expect them not only in the digestive system, but also in the lungs, the brain, the spine, etc.

I can only suppose that after thirty years (of difficult living), my body became host to many undesirable entities which were directly responsible for many of my health problems.

When Jim Humble cured Malaria with his MMS,
the parasite causing the disease was killed, so how many other diseases are also caused by parasites and can be cured with MMS?

Read this article about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The Parasitic Worm

"They are worm-like organisms that live and feed off living hosts, receiving nourishment and protection while disrupting their hosts' nutrient absorption, causing weakness and disease." More...

"Helminths (worms) can be divided into three groups: cestodes, or tapeworms; nematodes, or roundworms; and trematodes, or flukes. The helminths differ from other infectious organisms in that they have a complex body structure. They are multicellular and have partial or complete organ systems (e.g., muscular, nervous, digestive, and reproductive)."

Monday, 20 April 2009

This is the Gunge

Jim Humble's book, "The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century" was worth purchasing to get the inside knowledge on his discovery: how he had cured thousands of Africans of malaria and how many other diseases and infections can be overcome with his MMS protocol.

MMS is a sort of body cleaner; a detergent. Over time, it would seem to eliminate all the toxins, viruses, molds, funguses, parasites and heavy metals that have accumulated in the digestive tract (see image), the home of the Gunge. I suspect that since I got malnutrition in 1975, all sorts of creatures have embedded themselves in my various organs. I remember a few years ago doing a Liver Flush (Dr. Hulda Clark) and seeing these flat, greyish, broken pieces of "gunge" appearing in the toilet. That was a big surprise.

I started taking MMS on 19-March-2009 following Mr. Humble's standard protocol and am on this day, in the maintenance stage. It tastes like the stuff they put in swimming pools to clean the water, and so it should, as it is chlorine-based: the MMS is Sodium Chlorite (NaCl03). At low doses, it doesn't taste all that bad, but when you're taking the maximum two or three times a day, it's a bit foul. Some people mix it with [apple] juice to cover the taste. I just drink it with water (2/3rds glass)

Upon activating MMS with its catalyzer, citric acid or lime/lemon juice, a powerful healing agent comes into being which, when swallowed, used in the bath, or employed in an enema, rapidly goes to work to oxydize all the pathogens in its path or environment, thus killing them.

I'm in my first month of "treatment" and I must say that I'm feeling better already.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

The Beginning

During my life, I've been struck with many ailments starting with malnutrition then having gastro-enteritis, pneumonia, depression, high cholesterol and finally, diabetes mellitus (type 2). When I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2004, I weighed a shocking 96 kg (211 lbs.) whereas in my twenties, I was only 70 kg (154 lbs) for my 6 feet (1m83). I'm now in my fifties.

The gastro-enteritis was easily cured with off-the-shelf drugs and the pneumonia, with anti-biotics, but when I asked the doctor how to cure my diabetes, she only proposed a treatment. Upon taking her pills for three days, I felt worse than before and decided enough was enough - I threw them away.

As a single man living alone, I am the product of my own cooking. I only eat twice a day (breakfast and supper), but I do eat well, at least that's what I initially thought. Many of my health problems I believe were due to a lack of vitamin C. I was never a one for eating fruit and rarely ate an orange or even an apple, so I decided to improve my diet. The first thing was to purchase a juicer; the second, to get more exercise.

Well, these past five years, diabetes has not affected me. I walk four or five times a week, usually for 40 minutes and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (organic) that I get at the local farmers' market each Wednesday. I continue to eat meat and fish (usually smoked salmon) and I still smoke. I also started taking supplements and each day, drink grapefruit juice (preferably the red kind) with 3-5 grams of vitamin C powder mixed in. This works for me.

About a month ago, I discovered MMS - the Miracle Mineral Supplement.